Saturday, May 31, 2008

Penguins, Boys, and Other Happy Things from My Life

In honor of the graduate

Skittles from Grace

My desk

My monkey

A rediculously funny picture

Friends on a sunny day

What everyone calls "The shovel picture"


I still can't look at this one without laughing. My guys are the greatest.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Christy! My family is still in gales of laughter over "the shovel picture". Hilarious!!!

Chrissy said...

Wow Christy!!
Your pictures are great!! what were the boys doing all that diging for?
I miss you heaps!

Mer said...

Awe, skittles...
dude!! I love the shovel picture! Give the guys a high five for me!! I see what you mean about your
backyard - MUDSLIDE!!!! To much fun!