"Once accepted, leadership is not something I can take on and off as a coat. I find I hold, hidden in some corner of my being, a strong belief that I am entitled to breaks. It seems unfair that once I have accepted, or possibly been forced into, a position of leadership I must bear it the rest of my life. However, a beautiful truth comes into play as I contemplate this struggle. I often see the grace of God as only needed at certain times of life, in specific circumstances. As I recognize my huge responsibility to always live in a manner worthy of imitation, I catch a glimpse of the true sufficiency of God’s grace – not only for certain moments but for every moment. This is a much larger scale than I ever imagined.
In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, the great lion Aslan explains to the four newly crowned rulers the solemnity of their position. He says, “Once a king or queen in Narnia, always a king or queen. Bear it well, Sons of Adam! Bear it well, daughters of Eve!”
In Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Donald S. Whitney states that “Discipline without direction is drudgery.” So I ask myself, “Why am I a leader? What do I want to encourage others to follow?” I can think of no better goal than Christ likeness. I long to be able to say with Paul “Be followers of me as I am of Christ” (I Corinthians 11:1.)
Leadership is an incredible responsibility, yet also an enormous privilege. As a called out and set apart daughter of God I cannot escape it. May I bear it well, as Christ is my strength."
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