In honor of the graduate
Skittles from Grace
My desk
My monkey
A rediculously funny picture
Friends on a sunny day
What everyone calls "The shovel picture"
I still can't look at this one without laughing. My guys are the greatest.
Have you ever gone back to a place that was special to you when you were younger, and which you had not visited for many years? Did it seem the same to you? Or did you find it smaller? Less magical? So often that is the way it is. After we grow up and return to a special childhood place we see it differently. We are bigger, thus it seem smaller. We are more knowledgeable, thus it does not seem as incredible.
It is not so with our God. As we grow and learn more of the world He does not seem smaller, weaker, or less magical. C. S. Lewis says it like this in Prince Caspian:
"Welcome, child," he said.
"Aslan," said Lucy, "you're bigger."
"That is because you are older, little one," answered he.
"Not because you are?"
"I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger."
Is that not a thrilling thought? Instead of our God seeming smaller and less magical as we grow, He grows as well. Not because He is changing, but because we understand more of Him.
I have struggled with questions about health. Contemplated God’s reasons for allowing His children to suffer for prolonged periods of time. I have asked this question numerous times before, and each time the Lord has given me words of comfort - always a slightly different perspective, always a new view of His character.
Recently I found myself asking again. How could this possibly be for His glory and our best good? As I sat on my bed, crying and questioning, the Lord gave me some verses. They have come to mean even more to me as I have thought on and prayed over them.
2 Corinthians 4
An eternal perspective. A lifetime seems oh so long, especially in the light of pain and illness, until we view it in light of eternity. What is seventy or eighty years compared to infinity? This is how long we will live perfect lives, apart from our frail bodies. Can we not endure anything for a lifetime? Knowing that it is preparing us for eternity?
It is ok to not know why. We don’t have to know why the Lord does thing in order to trust Him. If we seek to know everything, we will be filled with pride… Remember Lucifer? We do not have to understand in order to believe that something will work good in us eventually, nor do we have to see that good now.
So I remain content to trust my all-knowing, all-powerful God. I rejoice that He finds me, and others, worthy to suffer for His sake. I relish the knowledge that “We have not a High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities.”
God is faithful.